Please Note: You are viewing an archived page, in most cases these pages are no longer actively maintained and because of that may contain inaccurate or out-of-date information. These pages are left publicly viewable to preserve institutional memory and to allow the public to learn more about the types of programs, activities, and content created and made available by the South Street Seaport Museum throughout its history.
Our Future
With our many friends, from both the City of New York and farther afield, we are working to revive, fortify, and grow this essential New York institution for all.
Plans are underway—with partial funding in hand—for an ambitious realignment of the Museum’s galleries, offices, and programmatic spaces. These new spaces and better connection to the New York Harbor will substantially strengthen the Museum’s programmatic potential and reach. Now with a restored fleet of historic ships, we begin the next 50 years of the South Street Seaport Museum and look forward to that journey together.