Neighborhood Walks That Teach Local History
The South Street Seaport Museum tells the story of how New York’s great natural harbor gave rise to the metropolis we know today. From Lenape villages, to the early Dutch settlements of New Amsterdam, to the growing city of New York, the story of this land through time is the story of the waterfront. Practice your map skills and walk our historic district!
The Revolutionary War in New York City
90 minutes | Grades 4–5
The streets and sites of Lower Manhattan tell the story of New York during the Revolution – the ships and the seaport that were the center of trade and taxation disputes, the buildings and street corners where futures were debated and history made, and the green where the statue of King George was raised and then toppled. Images, documents, artifacts, streets, and buildings all help tell the story of this era as students consider what the news of the day meant to different kinds of New Yorkers.
New Amsterdam Walking Tour
90 minutes | Grades 4–5
Take a walk back in time to the colonial outpost that became New York City. Walking the streets of Lower Manhattan, students discover traces of Dutch colonial life in our modern city through images, documents, artifacts, archeological finds, and the street plan itself.
All programs are designed for groups of up to 34 students (40 people maximum including chaperones). We do not recommend combining small classes into a large group. Programs may conclude at locations other than the Museum – allow additional time (10–20 minutes) to walk back to the starting point on your own.
All programs are aligned with New York City and State Social Studies and Science Learning Standards. Programs can be customized to meet your curricular goals and the needs of your students.

Contact Us to Learn More
Reservations and payment required in advance. To book a program or for more information on details, pricing, and reservation process, please contact us below or call us at (212) 748-8568.