March 18 | 11am–12:30pm | 12 Fulton Street | Free
Kick off the Seaport community’s Holi celebration in the Seaport Museum’s introduction galleries. Festivities begin with author Anu Sehgal’s bi-lingual (Hindi-English) reading of her new book Kahani Rangeeli, or Colorful Story, which shares the ancient story of Holi and how it’s celebrated.
Once we learn the history of Holi, children are invited to make puppets in preparation for the puppet show Colors of Krishna’s Love, presented by WonderSpark Puppets. Together we’ll enjoy one of the most beloved stories from Krishna’s childhood in which he engages in games and antics with friends and family. These beautiful moments from Krishna’s life, conveyed in dance, drama, puppetry, and songs, celebrate unconditional love and friendship. The show’s grand finale will include the puppets we just created!
This program is presented in partnership with The Culture Tree and The Howard Hughes Corporation.
The event is FREE, and advance registration is required.
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Capacity is limited. If the program is at capacity at the time of registration, you are encouraged to try our in-person cancellation line, starting 10 minutes before the program.
Looking for a full day of Holi activities?
The Holi celebration continues outside, on Fulton and Front Streets, with a vibrant Bhangra dance lesson and performance followed by the quintessential part of Holi, throwing colorful pigment! After playing with color during the festival, join the Museum at Pier 16, where you can wipe your colors on a large canvas and share your colors with friends.
Please note: Make sure to enjoy the Museum’s ships and galleries before joining in the throwing of colors. To ensure the care of the Seaport Museum collection, historic buildings, and ships, individuals covered in colorful pigment will not be able to come inside the Museum.
A Brief History of Holi
Holi originated on the Indian Subcontinent as a festival of colors that marks the start of Spring and is now celebrated around the world as a way to welcome spring, embrace inclusivity, and get messy with color.
Header Photo Credit: Courtesy of Mike Szpot, the Howard Hughes Corporation

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