Before You Attend
Is the program hybrid or in-person?
The South Street Seaport Museum offers in-person-only Chantey Sings from May through October and hybrid, in-person and online via Zoom, Chantey Sings from November through April.
How do I participate in-person?
Advanced registration to join the event in-person is encouraged, but walkups will be accommodated as possible. Any in-person attendee is welcome to lead a song during the round-robin; if you have a specific song in mind, please inform us of the song title when you register.
We suggest arriving 10 minutes prior to the start time of the program so you can get settled.
Do I need to print my tickets to attend in-person?
No, you do not need to print your tickets. At check in, Museum staff will ask for the last name or order number used for your online purchase, quickly locate the tickets in our system, and check in your group.
Do I have to stay for the full event?
No, you are welcome to come and go as you please. If you are attending in-person and plan to leave early, please sit in a space where you can easily leave without disturbing other guests.
Can I bring my kids?
People of all ages are welcome to attend. If you would like to see if this experience is right for your kids, please reach out to the Museum at [email protected] and we will be happy to answer any questions you may have.
Who can lead a song at an in-person program?
Everyone who attends an in-person Sea Chanteys and Maritime Music program is welcome to lead a song!
Are there any considerations when choosing a song to lead?
When choosing a song to share with the group, bear these ideas in mind:
- Please choose a song that is not very long. There are many attendees who would like to lead songs, and we want to give everyone the chance to do so
- Avoid copyright complications by choosing either a traditional song or one of your own
- Singers should choose lively songs with choruses so that attendees can join in
- All songs should be in the maritime tradition, including chanteys, forecastle songs, maritime ballads, and contemporary songs in the maritime tradition
How do attendees deal with historical songs that have racist or misogynistic origins and themes?
- When making your selection, avoid songs with racist and misogynistic themes
- Before the event, it is good to look into the history of a song you plan to sing so that you can better understand whether the song has racist or misogynistic origins and themes
- Some people change lyrics to better reflect today’s world, some leave out verses, and some skip particular songs altogether
- When these songs are sung, we will discuss the history of the song together as a group
- Participants may weigh in and we will all be enlarged by the discussion
How long has the Seaport Museum been hosting Chantey Sings?
The Seaport Museum has been hosting Chantey Sings for over 50 years, beginning under the street lamps on the pier, and later aboard the tall ship Peking. After Hurricane Sandy, the Chantey Sings were paused, returning aboard the tall ship Wavertree in May 2019. In May 2020, the Chantey Sing moved to a Zoom format, joined by hundreds of singers from across the street, across the country, and across the pond. In-person Sings onboard Wavertree returned in Spring 2022.
Hybrid Programs, November 2024–April 2025
How does the hybrid in-person and online format work?
Participants may join remotely over Zoom or in-person at the Seaport Museum. All attendees will participate in the same simultaneous event and be able to see and hear all the featured singers who share a song in the Museum and on Zoom. Museum staff will be on site to help in-person attendees and available over Zoom to help virtual attendees.
Each Chantey Sing will be hosted by a local artist who will lead songs throughout the program and introduce the singers, both remote and in-person, when it is their turn to lead a song.
In the Museum, there is a large screen where Zoom attendees will be seen by in-person attendees. When a virtual guest is singing, the onsite microphone will be muted to avoid feedback. An onsite camera and microphone will live stream in-person performers over Zoom so that all Zoom participants can see and hear the performance––just as they see and hear remote song-leaders. The onsite mic will also pick up the gathered guests singing along.
How do I participate remotely?
When you complete your registration for the Hybrid Sea Chanteys and Maritime Music program, you will receive a confirmation email that contains the Zoom link for the program. If you do not see the confirmation email in your inbox after completing your registration, please check your spam folder for emails from [email protected]. If you still do not see your confirmation email, please contact us at [email protected] and we will be happy to assist you.
At the time of registration, you may choose to sign up to lead a song. Please note that due to capacity limitations, only a limited number of online participants will be able to lead a song during the event. If you wish to lead a song on Zoom, please provide the song title when you register. Though you can register to join the Zoom event until the start of the program, registration for leading a song on Zoom closes one week in advance.
The Zoom room for the Chantey Sing opens a few minutes before the start of the event at 2pm ET. Zoom attendees will have a few minutes to greet one another but once the program begins, your microphone will be muted. After that time, Zoom attendees are encouraged to use the chat feature to share comments throughout the program. Participants only unmute when they are the featured singer. When the event is over at 4pm ET, Zoom attendees will have a few minutes to bid each other farewell before the Zoom is ended.
Who can lead a song in a hybrid program?
Many guests join the Chantey Sing, and in-person and Zoom song leaders are included in each hybrid event. To create an experience enjoyable for all singers, the number of remote singers is limited and set in advance. This contributes to a well-balanced yet inclusive and welcoming program.
The week before the Chantey Sing, a set list is created that combines songs from new singers, who haven’t previously led a song, returning attendees, and professionals. If there are more singers than can be accommodated, an alternates list will be created. Once the set list and alternates list are complete, we will email you to confirm which list you are on. If your plans change and you are unavailable to lead a song, please let us know so that we can put an alternate in your slot.

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